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Date of Visit



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  • I confirm that I have read the most recent visit feedback


Please make sure you include times for relevant information. For example - "I contacted the GP at 2.15pm"


Provide a detailed account of the support visit, including start and end times

If there is a safeguarding concern you MUST notify the office immediately (or the on-call phone if out of office hours) if you work in Community Support, or a Team Manager if you work in Supported Living


Before going out today Albert hoovered the living room and kitchen and the hallway. I supported him to clean the shower room and wipe all sides in the kitchen and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors.

We headed out. Albert did his shopping at Tesco. Usual items purchased, added extras today was some writing paper

and pens. Albert noticed that his writing pad is running low and he likes his support times writing down each week.

We had a walk around the shops today before going to Drucker’s. Albert is looking to purchase some ear muffs. To help

keep the noises out. Especially now the fireworks have started up. Trespass and Next do not sell them, so tomorrow we

will look in John Lewis and JD Sports. Albert seems positive about getting some.

Albert ordered his own food at Drucker’s and was very polite when talking to the waitress. Praised Albert for this and

his confidence.

We then had a walk back to Albert’s property.


Your Name

Joe Bloggs

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